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Disaster Drill
Today we had a Disaster Drill to go over what to do in case of earthquakes and other disasters.

First, let’s go over a few important things you need to know when disaster strikes.
Danger! Run! Go to a safe place!
Going over the evacuation route
Next, we practiced what to do in case of an earthquake in the classroom.
During the first tremor, protect your head and body under a desk.
In case of aftershocks, open the doors and prepare an escape route.
Once the shaking settles down, go outside.
The students walked to the Imperial Palace
“In the event of an earthquake, we gather here. Remember this place!”
In back of Spangenthal-san and Kane-san, you can see Daimonji covered in snow. It’s small but…
Close up, it looks like this! It’s so cold in Kyoto today!