Two students from Doshisha and Doshisha Women’s College joined the Imao class online for a discussion.
The discussion topic was “What is something you would like right now?”
I want a game system! I want to see my friends! I want to go to school! If I had money, I want to go on an overseas trip! Things that students wanted came out one after the other, almost without end. Everyone is really trying their best given these very unusual circumstances.
The volunteers asked a few questions of their own to the AKP students, like “Where did your best memory in Japan occur?” or “Where do you want to go the next time you visit Japan?”
We’re very grateful for the two volunteers who participated in this class.
Kyoto. Saga. Osaka. Many fondly-remembered places came up in conversation, and it looked like the students were able to chat with the same feelings they had in Japan.
Thank you so much.